  Tired of all the time and effort you’re putting into your network marketing business only to be paid a fraction of what you expected to earn? You need INFINITY 7 from CTFO! Launching on 1st June, INFINITY 7 has the power to pay you any figure you can come up with! This is possible because, as the word suggests, INFINITY 7 pays to infinity on your team business. NO cut-offs ever! No Balancing Legs! No Breakage to Company! 100 levels… 1,000 levels…. 10,000 levels deep, you get paid on it ALL! And INFINITY 7 pays up to 35% on your entire team! Remember this is ON TOP of all our other commissions and bonuses including a new LOYALTY BONUS paying up to $3,000 a month! It does not get any better than this!!! YOU SHOULD DEMAND A 60-day guaranty, lab-tested (COA), GMP seal, organic CBD, and CBD products where ever you  buy CBD.   We provide this to all our customers. Disclaimer:  The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as repor...

Could you benefit from CBD infused Sunscreen?

Applying a CBD-infused sunscreen before exposure to the sun can help prevent short and long term damage from the sun’s rays and support overall skin health.

Next time you head outside, reach for a sunscreen that offers more than just sun protection. CBD provides beneficial effects directly to the skin when applied topically, making it a smart addition to sunscreen. Keep reading to learn more about CBD, the importance of sun protection, and the advantages of CTFO's Sunscreen & Moisturizer is a gentle, sheer formula enriched with antioxidants that protect all skin types against aging UVA + burning UVB rays.  This water-resistant formula is a 30 SPF, full-spectrum CBD Hemp oil infused sunscreen. Get the benefits of this 20mg CBD moisturizing lotion while protecting your skin from the sun.  

Why CBD in Sunscreen?

CBD has been added to a number of topical products, from skincare to lotions to bath and body products, because of its effects on the health of skin and hair. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a natural compound sourced from hemp that promotes wellness by interacting with your endocannabinoid system, the body’s major regulatory network, tasked with keeping your body balanced and performing at its best.
CBD compounds interact with nearby receptors in the skin to stimulate the endocannabinoid system, which has a high concentration of receptors in the skin. That means that CBD applied to the skin works where it is applied, helping moderate the skin’s response to sun damage and regulating the renewal of skin cells.
Topical products containing CBD, like CBD sunscreen, can be used throughout the day for soothing relief and to support overall healthy skin.

Importance of Sunscreen

Using sunscreen can help protect you from the aging, burning, and cancer-causing effects of sun exposure. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggested that everyone use at least SPF 30 or higher broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen that is water-resistant. You will want to apply sunscreen any time you go out in the sun and reapply every 2 hours or after swimming or sweating.
Protecting your skin from sun damage can help prevent skin cancer, now the most common type of cancer. Broad-spectrum sunscreen prevents harmful UV rays from damaging cells, which can lead to cancerous skin lesions.
Sun exposure is also a leading cause of prematurely aged skin. Protecting your skin from the sun’s damaging rays with an effective sunscreen can help minimize these effects. Using a sunscreen with CBD can further protect the skin due to its antioxidant properties.
Wearing sunscreen each day, especially when exposed to sun, can help lower your chances of skin damage, premature aging, and cancer and ensure your skin looks great for years to come.

CBD After Sun

After spending time in the sun, you can also take advantage of CBD oil to hydrate and nourish your skin to keep it healthy by using a CBD topical like a CBD oil body lotion.

Note: While CBD supports healthy-looking skin, it has not been shown to protect skin from sun exposure.

YOU SHOULD DEMAND A 60-day guaranty, lab-tested (COA), GMP seal, organic CBD, and CBD products where ever you buy CBD.  We provide this to all our customers.

The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as reported experiences from CBD product users.
For a medical condition always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, ailment, or skin condition. Any information contained in or made available on our website is not intended to be used as, or be a substitute for, healthcare advice or information from licensed healthcare practitioners. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner regarding any potential interactions or complications before using our products.

This website is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc.
Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook or any other website in any way.  Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. 


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