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CBD for Dogs with Skin Allergies

Is your dog constantly scratching his or her fur? Does your pup lick himself over and over in the same area? Does your canine seem to be paying more attention to a particular place on her body?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then there is a good chance your furry friend has a skin allergy. Humans get allergic reactions to many common sources, such as pet dander, plant pollen, and bugs.
Dogs have allergies from those same sources but they are far less equipped to deal with them. So when you see your pup grooming himself all day, consider checking to see if he has irritations on his skin.
Dog skin allergies present themselves in a few different ways. You should observe your dog’s behavior and check for persistent grooming, as well as areas where your dog seems to favor or scratch often. You can also physically feel for sores and look at your dog’s coat to identify any visible rashes. Skin allergies can be very uncomfortable for dogs, especially when the canine can’t quite heal their pain by themselves.
Veterinarians may suggest traditional treatment methods like antibiotics and creams, but have you ever considered a natural approach? Humans have been using CBD on themselves for stress and pain management, but it’s also safe for your furry little buddy! Consider using CBD oil for allergies in dogs as a healthier alternative solution to prescription drugs.
Noticing issues with your pet can be very stressful. Skin allergies can be tricky and they aren’t the most fun to deal with, to state the obvious.

CBD vs THC: Which is Right for Dog Skin Allergies?

When hearing the term CBD, many people think of THC and cannabis. The two are closely correlated, but they have very distinct differences that separate them. THC is present in marijuana and serves as the psychoactive component responsible for creating the euphoric, pleasant high for those who ingest it.
CBD consists of the same chemical components that comprise THC, but the defining difference is that the atoms of CBD are aligned differently. This results in a substance very similar to THC, but without the extreme euphoria and heightened levels of calmness.
CBD is like a muted version of THC if you will. CBD reduces existing discomforts without causing psychoactive changes and mind-altering responses.
Both CBD and THC interact with the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for the regulation of hunger, moods, memory, and pain tolerance. CBD and THC stimulate the endocannabinoid system in order to promote positive effects.
The key difference between the two cannabis-related substances is that THC is a psychoactive drug, meaning it can have negative side effects for those who do not respond well to mind-altering substances.
CBD oil, and especially pure CBD oil that is derived from hemp, can provide the same benefits as THC without causing changes to a dog’s cognitive abilities.
Just like humans, dogs will become high if they ingest THC. Dogs are far more receptive though because they have more cannabinoid receptors than humans do.
When dogs ingest THC, they have similar side effects as humans, but to a much more severe degree. Your dog may have problems breathing, controlling urine, and moving around in general.
THC is not safe for dogs, and there is not enough research to support the claim that THC benefits dogs in any way, shape, or form.
The cannabinoid, CBD is much friendlier and safer for dogs than THC. In fact, THC is a big no-no for canines, no matter the situation. On the contrary, CBD is backed by evidence which claims it provides great benefits to dogs. But is CBD oil good for dogs, even though THC is not?
CBD absolutely is! It can help soothe a dog’s pain, appetite problems, anxiety, and skin allergies.

CBD Treatments

There have been studies that indicate the endocannabinoid system, which is positively stimulated by CBD, can help to regulate the health of the skin. This means that skin health can be improved through the use of CBD, even for skin allergies! As a matter of fact, CBD and allergies are a great match for each other.
CBD has been shown to have other medical benefits aside from helping with skin allergies in dogs. It is used to reduce pain, stimulate appetite, and reduce anxiety.
It offers similar relief to THC without any of the psychoactive side effects. It has been tested and is safe for your dog!
CBD can come in different, convenient forms for easier ingestion. There is traditional oil, which can be put directly into your dog’s mouth or on food. Shampoos for direct, soothing contact with the skin, or treats infused with CBD are also available for a more passive, indirect effect.
Finding the right mode of delivery and the proper dosage is a science in itself. It all depends on how your dog reacts to the CBD. Try starting slow and working up in dosage as needed to treat your dog’s anxiety, skin allergies, and appetite issues.
Since there are two main different types of CBD, make sure you give your dog only pure CBD oil from hemp plants. This ensures you get all the good stuff and none of the stoner-esque side effects THC may bring.

Buying CBD Oil for Dogs

Getting natural, hemp-based CBD oil has never been easier. At CTFO, we sell CBD-based products, and even better, we ship right to your door, meaning you can order CBD for your dog without ever having to visit a store.
We absolutely understand the bond between dogs and owners, so we do our best to give you natural, hemp-based CBD oil. This helps your dog’s pain, appetite, anxiety, and many other issues, all while not causing any negative side effects.
CBD has many wonderfully calming benefits when regularly incorporated into your or your pet's health care regimen. There’s no time like the present to take advantage of CBD’s healing power.
Perhaps it is time for you to try CBD for your pet's allergies, anxiety, pain, arthritis, or stress!
Have questions? Email:    
YOU SHOULD DEMAND A 60-day guaranty, lab-tested (COA), GMP seal, organic CBD, and CBD products where ever you buy CBD.  We provide this to all our customers.

The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as reported experiences from CBD product users.
For a medical condition always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, ailment, or skin condition. Any information contained in or made available on our website is not intended to be used as, or be a substitute for, healthcare advice or information from licensed healthcare practitioners. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner regarding any potential interactions or complications before using our products.

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