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Does CBD Help With Focus, Concentration?

Alright, folks, lets dive in! ….Wait, what were we discussing again? Oh, of course, CBD oil for focus and concentration! 
I personally have had ADHD my entire life. I’ve been on various medications for it over the years, such as Adderall, Vyvanse, and Strattera. Personally, I wasn’t a fan of the side-effects. 
I’m actually very excited to have the opportunity to write this article, as about a year ago I started to use CBD products to help my focus and concentration in lieu of prescribed ADHD medications (with wonderful results!). However, I did so with the help and consultation of my doctor.
Now, let’s dive into this great, eye-opening topic for real! (the above excerpts were from Chelsea K).

How CBD Works to Increase Focus and Concentration:

To understand how CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, can improve your concentration and focus is to understand CBD. 
First, CBD is very different than the marijuana you’re most likely familiar with. That form of marijuana has a chemical known as THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which possesses psychoactive effects. These psychoactive effects are more widely known as the sensation of ‘feeling high.” 
However, marijuana contains more than simply THC; it also has CBD, which possesses no psychoactive effects. It does, in fact, come with a long list of positive effects and besides helping you focus, it can help you in other ways including using CBD to deal with anxiety. Fortunately for all of us, scientists have created a method in which to separate the THC from the CBD. 
CBD directly correlates with the brain’s dopamine, which is a chemical neurotransmitter that’s responsible for memory, focus, and mental awareness. So when faced with a decrease in focus and concentration, it implies that your dopamine levels are possibly low. Admittingly, smoking or ingesting marijuana can increase the dopamine levels, but doing so excessively can possibly hinder memory and focus. 
Unlike its counterpart THC, Taking CBD doesn’t allow an irregular ascent in dopamine levels in the brain. The correct nature of CBD oil from the proper strain will help heighten focus. CBD users with greater dopamine levels in the brain encounter supported mental focus. 
Despite the fact that THC has some, though few, mental focusing capabilities, it can also have other unfriendly impacts the user may dislike. Some of these being the antagonistic burden of restlessness, being neurotic, and even sometimes paranoia. Therefore, it’s not necessarily a viable solution for concentration and mental focus.

Research has demonstrated that CBD oil helps individuals who suffer from focus issues and attention insufficiency.

These researchers have reasoned that CBD supplements the body by bolstering concentration levels which permit the user to take an interest in assignments, work, etc., and provide them with a more focused capability. 
Additionally, CBD helps your focus by allowing increased serotonin to flow to your brain in a similar fashion as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). This increase in serotonin can lead to less anxiety. And as we all know, less anxiety leads to more focus! In fact, a lack of focus is often caused by anxiety. 

Why CBD Can Help: 

Several research studies have shown that using CBD oil can dramatically diminish stress levels due to its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. CBD helps calm down your mind, so there’s not so much static, so to speak, while you’re trying to focus, and think. 
  • Lack of Sleep:
There’s a reason it’s recommended you get eight hours of sleep a night. Imagine your brain like a computer that’s left on year-round. In the course of time, it’s going to crash. We have to power down. If not, our bodies will do it for us. 
Not getting adequate sleep decreases your cognitive functions and increases your cortisol levels. With poor cognitive function, you become slower, and it becomes harder to process things. Additionally, your cortisol levels are higher causing concentration and focus even more difficult. Getting a good night’s sleep can do wonders for one’s quality of life. 

 When CBD Can Help:

If you find that you wake up multiple times throughout the night for no apparent reason, your sleep schedule may be off. It can be quite frustrating to be laying in bed for eight hours to sleep for only a few of those hours. CBD has been shown to help improve your sleep cycle by increasing the allowance of the time you sleep.

Perhaps it is time for you to try CBD for your focus and concentration!
Have questions? Email:    
YOU SHOULD DEMAND A 60-day guaranty, lab-tested, GMP Seal organic CBD and CBD products where ever you buy CBD.  We provide this to all our customers.


The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as reported experiences from CBD product users.
For a medical condition always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, ailment, or skin condition. Any information contained in or made available on our website is not intended to be used as, or be a substitute for, healthcare advice or information from licensed healthcare practitioners. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner regarding any potential interactions or complications before using our products.

This website is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook, Inc.
Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook or any other website in any way.  Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc. 


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