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Could CBD Oil Help Me with My Headaches?

You’re one of many to ask yourself this question. And the short answer is, potentially yes. While a “study of one” is the best way to find out how CBD oil affects you, studies have shown promising results when evaluating cannabis for its effects on chronic pain and inflammation.

Using CBD to treat headaches is not new. As an ancient natural remedy, cannabis has been used for thousands of years to treat certain types of headaches. But while we await documented studies on CBD and its specific effects on migraine, many sufferers are trying it for themselves, compiling plenty of personal success stories.


Specific data is somewhat limited, due to small sample sizes and simple lack of study on CBD alone (as opposed to medicinal marijuana as a whole).  Pure CBD oil hasn’t been studied for its effects on headaches specifically but has shown promise for relief in conjunction with THC. In the meantime, we do have some promising clinical data about how CBD and medical marijuana might affect chronic pain and other conditions. For example:
  • In one 2012 study, CBD was found to be effective at relieving some types of chronic pain and inflammation, including those associated with arthritis.
  • In 2016, a survey conducted by Pharmacotherapy indicated that “medical marijuana” (though isolated CBD was not part of this study) may reduce the frequency of headaches. In this study, users reported a reduction in headaches from 10.4 to 4.6 per month.  
  • One study conducted in 2009 found evidence that cannabis compounds may be useful in treating pain in long-time users of opioids who want to lessen their use of pharmaceutical pain relievers.
As you can see, the data we do have seems to bode well for CBD as a headache treatment. At the very least, its recorded safety makes it seem worth trying for those who want to reduce pharmaceutical drug intake. As more and more people try isolated CBD oil for headaches, we can begin to gather and publish the supporting data.
[Source: Medicinal Properties of Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefits in Migraine, Headache, and Pain: An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science. Baron EP. Headache. 2018 Jul; 58(7):1139-1186. PMID: 30152161]
Something to note: The emerging scientific study of CBD oil as a viable treatment for headaches should not be confused with the studies that examine the use of the entire plant, which may include THC. This is not the same as pure CBD oil. While these studies do support cannabis as an effective headache treatment (when including THC), the absence of THC is what sets pure CBD apart. This makes isolated CBD safe, legal, and more desirable for a lot of people.


Just like the effectiveness of any supplement may vary on an individual basis, so can the time it takes for that effect to be felt. While Jordan reports feeling relief in 10 to 15 minutes, others, like Taylor have reported CBD oil brings almost immediate relief. Again, these are anecdotes that were sent by actual users, but how CBD oil affects you — and how quickly — is likely to vary, like any other supplement or OTC remedy.

Perhaps it is time for you to try CBD for your headaches and pain!
Have questions? Email:    
YOU SHOULD DEMAND A 60-day guaranty, lab-tested, GMP Seal organic CBD and CBD products where ever you buy CBD.  We provide this to all our customers.

The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as reported experiences from CBD product users.
For a medical condition always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, ailment, or skin condition. Any information contained in or made available on our website is not intended to be used as, or be a substitute for, healthcare advice or information from licensed healthcare practitioners. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner regarding any potential interactions or complications before using our products.

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