How can CBD help the gut?
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is an avid participant in normal gut function. The exact mechanisms of action are still being defined, but some areas of particular interest to me clinically are the ECS’ effects on gastrointestinal motility issues, inflammatory bowel issues, and gut permeability.
CBD is an immune modulator and a potent anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, it helps to balance the ECS, and therefore has tremendous potential to positively impact a variety of digestive complaints.
It’s interesting to note that deficiencies in the ECS are associated with pathological states including irritable bowel issues, colorectal cancers, and celiac disease. Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency syndromes (CEDS) may be improved with CBD because it prevents the breakdown of our ECs, prolonging their action. In fact, this is one of the main mechanisms of action of CBD.
Let’s not forget the role of stress and anxiety when it comes to digestion! Most of us know that stress exacerbates our gut, and managing stress is crucial to keeping symptoms at bay. CBD has been shown to promote stress resilience and decrease anxiety, adding to its powerful role in gut function.
What does CBD do for gut inflammation?
The ECS is involved in so many areas of gut health, from motility to visceral sensation to inflammation, it is no surprise that there has already been some early success in mouse models of Inflammatory bowel issues by treating with substances that inhibit endocannabinoid breakdown. The good news is that CBD has been shown to do this in these studies.
Can CBD help leaky gut?
Cannabinoid receptors along the small intestine have been shown to modulate the expression of tight junctions that are in part responsible for maintaining gut integrity. Moreover, we now know that there is crosstalk between the ECS and the gut microbiota which impacts leaky gut. As a matter of fact, it appears that treatment with certain probiotic strains has been shown to increase the expression of CB2 receptors along the small intestine, which can support function. Additionally, CBD and other phytocannabinoids have been shown to support a healthy inflammatory response that is essential to help heal leaky gut.
Perhaps it is time for you to try CBD for your gut health!
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Partial excerpts from Simply Gluten Free Magazine and Dr. Aimée Gould Shunney, a naturopathic physician
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