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This is Your Body on CBD

HUFFPOST By Colleen Travers
According to Dr. Rahul Khare, founder of Innovative Express Care in Chicago, CBD attaches indirectly to cannabinoid receptors in the body (these are responsible for a variety of functions throughout the body such as appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory). This process can also help decrease inflammation. In turn, CBD may help reduce chronic pain for some people.
“CBD won’t completely take the pain away like morphine would,” Khare said, “but it may decrease it to a point where it makes the pain more tolerable.”
A review published in the journal Molecules found that medications containing CBD from a cannabis plant may be able to enhance a patient’s drug treatment for chronic pain and inflammation conditions. But note: They may work as a complement rather than a replacement to treatment, and one that is very dependent on the preparation, dosage, and formulation.

You may feel less anxiety.

“People talk about CBD as being non-psychoactive, which isn’t quite true in the sense that if CBD were helping you with anxiety, then it would be psychoactive as it’s acting on your emotional well-being,” Tishler said.
In this instance, psychoactive doesn’t mean intoxicating, as is often associated with THC. Research published in the journal Neurotherapeutics found that CBD may help short-term in cases of generalized anxiety, panic disorder, social anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder.
It’s also worth noting that cannabis with a higher CBD-to-THC ratio was used, and researchers found lower anxiety levels in THC-induced anxiety (a common side effect of THC) when administered together as opposed to using CBD alone.
separate study from The University of Montana found that CBD may attach itself to a serotonin 1A receptor in the brain, which has been a found mediator of anxiety, Russo said.

You might experience fewer gastrointestinal issues.

Though more research is needed, CBD may be able to help gastrointestinal issues caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). A review published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research found that cannabinoid receptor antagonists (AKA parts of CBD that bind to those cannabinoid receptors in your body discussed earlier) decreased relaxation in the lower esophageal sphincter. When the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes too much, it can often lead to acid reflux, and thus CBD may be able to limit the occurrence of acid reflux and other GERD-related symptoms.

Not all CBD is created equal.

Perhaps the biggest caveat of CBD is that you have to make sure you’re getting a good and safe source and taking the appropriate dosage for you, no matter what you’re taking it for. And if you’re not taking it under the supervision of a doctor, this can be confusing — different states have different regulations, which make the requirements for testing CBD products different (or in some cases nonexistent) for both medical and recreational purposes.

By your organic, lab-tested, GMP certified and guaranteed CBD and CBD products here.

The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as reported experiences from CBD product users.
For a medical condition always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, ailment or skin condition. Any information contained in or made available on our website is not intended to be used as, or be a substitute for, healthcare advice or information from licensed healthcare practitioners. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner regarding any potential interactions or complications before using our products.

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