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Organic CBD Oil vs. Non-Organic CBD Oil | Why Organic Matters

First of all, the CBD oil industry has developed in the past couple of years. With it also came a plethora of new products, as well as services that are meant to show us the true benefits of CBD in its oil form.
However, given that this is such a new industry, how could one determine which type of CBD oil to choose? Or, better said – what should we pay attention to when buying CBD oil and reading its label?
In this respect, today we’ll be talking about non-organic and organic CBD oil, as well as about why organic is the one that truly matters, especially for those who seek CBD oil’s health benefits.
Organic CBD Oil
As the name implies, organic CBD oil is sourced from hemp plants that are organically grown. You may think that one has to avoid pesticides in order to grow organic hemp plants – but it is not that easy.
Organically grown hemp must meet a wide range of FDA criteria, or else it won’t be certified as organic. For example, the hemp must be kept in healthy and clean soil at all times. The soil must be free from toxins and heavy metals.
This is crucial for the hemp plant because it is prone to absorbing toxins from the soil.
Non-Organic CBD Oil
It may sound like this whole organic vs. non-organic deal is comparable to the food industry, where you have a natural, organic, vegetal, and many other types of products.
However, a non-organic ingredient doesn’t usually contain as many chemicals and toxins as non-organic CBD oil. As mentioned above, the hemp plant absorbs toxins and metals from the soil thoroughly.
This means that, if the plant grows in soil full of chemicals, its oil will contain them as well. This, in turn, will damage both your health – when using CBD oil – and the surrounding environment.
The Importance of Organic CBD Oil
Organic CBD oil means, in short, health and safety – for everyone and everything around you. For example, people also use CBD oil to treat pet pain or anxiety – obviously, non-organic CBD oil may affect your pet’s health!
This is why, when browsing for CBD oil, we have to pick the one labeled as organic.
  • Field Quality – non-organic crops are usually sprayed with a lot of chemical pesticides. These keep the plant alive and most of the bugs away but kill everything else in the soil as well. As a result, the soil is not properly fertilized, and farmers must add chemical fertilizers to it. This is not good for the hemp plant and the future CBD oil.
  • Fewer Chemicals in Oceans – as you know, everything that we use in the soil will eventually end in the oceans. Pesticides and fertilizers that enter the oceans can harm biodiversity and even create unusual microbial growth.
  • Pollinators – unlike organic farming, non-organic pesticides are not able to tell good insects from bad insects. When faced with synthetic pesticides, only the plant is kept alive. As a result, a lot of pollinators, which are an essential part of almost any ecosystem, are killed.
Finally, we have to take into account our health and what we allow ourselves to use. Keep in mind that CBD oil, most of the time, enters your body – there, it works its magic.
Therefore, you wouldn’t want chemicals, toxins, and metals from pesticides and fertilizers (synthetic) in your body!
The Bottom Line
Organic is the way to live. This is not just because organic is better for our body but also because it is better for the rest of the world.
Given the many environmental issues that our planet must face at the moment, CBD oil users could do an amazing thing by supporting only organic CBD suppliers.
In short, everything you use, and that comes from a plant should be organic, safe, and healthy! You should not give in and choose non-organic products just because they may be cheaper – a lower cost means more toxins and chemicals!

Order your organic, lab-tested CBD oil and products here.  You have nothing to lose because we back our products with a 60-day, empty bottle, money-back guaranty!

The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as reported experiences from CBD product users.
For a medical condition always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, ailment or skin condition. Any information contained in or made available on our website is not intended to be used as, or be a substitute for, healthcare advice or information from licensed healthcare practitioners. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner regarding any potential interactions or complications before using our products.

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