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The Current State of Hemp/CBD

The Current State of Hemp / CBD
Originally Published on LinkedIn on March 27, 2019
You have heard the news about cannabidiol (CBD) the last three years: Hemp Oil promoter Dr. Sanjay Gupta,” marijuana refugees” and incredible advancements in understanding the scientifically defined Endocannabinoid System (ECS). If you are reading this article, you already know CBD is derived from hemp and is non-psychoactive. You know CBD is being hailed by some as the next wonder drug. And you know CBD is at the center of the national cannabis debate.
Approximately 40 percent of U.S. consumers age 21 and older said they would try cannabidiol (CBD), according to a study by High Yield Insights, a market research firm focused on the cannabis market.
A compound of cannabis, CBD is used to reduce pain, lower inflammation, tame anxiety, and promote sleep. High Yield Insights found those most interested in CBD are 35 years or older (64 percent), female (56 percent), and with college experience (79 percent). For new consumers, key motivators include easier access to products (42 percent), availability of unbiased research (44 percent), and a doctor’s recommendation (34 percent). Potential users indicated interest in chocolates and baked foods formulated with CBD in addition to over-the-counter supplements such as tinctures, vape e-juice, pills and capsules.
“We are seeing many consumers looking to incorporate CBD into their wellness regimen,” says Mike Luce, co-founder of High Yield Insights. “Consumers previously unfamiliar with CBD are rapidly showing interest. Now that the federal government is finally taking steps to clear up the hazy legal picture, people see CBD as an entry point to the therapeutic benefits of cannabis.”
Among current CBD users, about half are ages 34 or younger, and just over half have used CBD for less than a year.
“CBD does seem to be benefiting from greater acceptance of cannabis,” Luce says. “Seven in 10 current CBD users have also used cannabis containing THC in some form in the past three months. This indicates that for some users, CBD-only products are serving a complementary function.”
Despite growing interest, many consumers remain confused about CBD, he adds.

“When the federal government enacted the recent farm bill, most interpreted the language as legalizing CBD,” he says. “However, the FDA needs to take further action to clarify its stance. Some states are demanding stores pull CBD products off the shelf, claiming that it is an unregulated food additive. With potential users identifying easier access as a chief motivator, such actions go against what the public is seeking.”
A recent survey included a national representation of 2,000 U.S. adults ages 21 and older, 1,500 of whom reported using CBD products in the previous three months and 500 who reported not using CBD products.
As sales of CBD products continue to increase, THE HEMP BUSINESS JOURNAL forecasts the entire U.S. CBD market will increase to $2.1 billion by 2020 and that $450 million of those sales will be from hemp-based sources, and the rest from marijuana sources.

The CBD discussion is a complicated one, with many products sold in the Dispensary Channel purporting CBD content; however, that doesn’t necessarily translate to useful CBD levels. So let’s explore a newer and emerging discovery: CBDa vs. CBD.
CBDa stands for cannabidiolic acid, and as the name suggests, this molecule is closely related to CBD. In fact, CBDa can be considered the parent molecule of CBD as it is present in raw cannabis, whereas CBD is only created through the process of decarboxylation.
Cannabidiolic acid (CBDa) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and the acidic precursor to CBD. CBDa can be found in the live or raw form of cannabis, particularly in the hemp plant and strains bred to cultivate higher CBD levels. CBDa converts to CBD through decarboxylation, which occurs when cannabis is exposed to heat or sunlight.
Believe it or not, CBD is present on growing cannabis plants in only very small amounts. In growing plants, CBD exists as cannabidiolic acid (CBDa). It isn’t until the plant is cut, dried, and heated that CBD is formed. CBD is a calming phytochemical that does not cause a psychotropic experience.
That’s right! Hemp and cannabis plants actually contain very little of what they are most famous for in their natural states. That’s because both CBD and THC require continued heat, or aging, to be transformed from their acidic precursors.
CBDA may also be found in tinctures, topicals, and capsules. CBDa shows promise as an anticonvulsant, anti-nausea and vomiting agent, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. CBDa may also have antibacterial, antioxidant and cancer-preventing properties.
CBDa isn’t known to bind directly with the CB1 and CB2 receptors but interacts with the ECS as an inhibitor to the COX-2 enzyme, giving CBDA the potential to reduce inflammatory activity throughout the body. CBDa is also thought to enhance the serotonin-producing 5-HT receptor. This particular interaction could possibly make CBDA a primary contributor to the antiemetic effects of cannabis.
CBDa is widely considered to be a key constituent in the medicinal spectrum of cannabis and the multitude of therapeutic applications it may offer. Feel free to ask any of our knowledgeable associates with any questions you may have.
As more research comes out, it has been suggested that CBD and CBDa taken together is a winning combination. Research suggests that combined, CBD + CBDa are highly effective in studies on epilepsy and anxiety treatments. The research suggests that combining CBD and CBDa will:
  • Require smaller doses
  • Improve the time it takes for it to be felt
  • Increase its effectiveness
While CBDa is in need of much more research, it is fair to suggest that it may be just as important for our health as CBD is proving to be.
And though the market is flooded with CBD-only preparations, it is likely that the future of cannabinoid therapy will be in combining CBD and CBDa together.
The firm I represent has actually found a way to preserve CBDa as it moves through the body, and deliver a much higher bioavailable rate to our bodies. Our patented product is the only one on the market that I am aware of which addresses this specific benefit.
I’ve never been more excited to be a part of the hemp industry, not only at the financial return for myself and so many others, but as an environmentalist and healthcare professional in an industry poised to help Mother Earth and improve the lives of millions of people. What more of an opportunity could any of us ask for?
If you have any thoughts at all of creating a secondary stream of income for you and your family, NOW is the time to consider getting involved in a home-based business in the Hemp / CBD industry. Absolutely free to join, we invite you to explore our opportunity by contacting us and requesting more information. We offer everything you need; free websites, a back office, a Customer Relationship Manager and followup system, and industry-leading training. Nothing to lose here; no gimmicks, no gotchas! We won’t even ask for your credit card info.

Order your organic,60-day money-back guaranty, 3rd party tested, CBD HERE

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