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Anxiety, stress, moody?

What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is among the most common emotional and behavioral problems that our society is currently dealing with. In fact, a 2017 report released by the World Health Organization suggests nearly 264 million people are living with anxiety worldwide.
As you can imagine, researchers and healthcare professionals from all around the globe are in a constant search for new ways to help people manage stress and anxiety. [1]
In a nutshell, anxiety is a condition characterized by restlessness and excessive worry. Those of us who are dealing with it have a hard time making decisions, speaking in public, tolerating criticism, or asking our boss for a raise.
From social anxiety and panic disorder to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and agoraphobia, anxiety comes in many ‘shapes and sizes.’
But regardless of the type of anxiety, you might be dealing with, a dose of cannabidiol can help you cope with the unpleasant symptoms associated with this condition.

What Are The Traditional Treatments for Anxiety?

The first recorded use of cannabis for anxiety relief was around the year 1500 in India. [2] Ever since then, experts and healthcare professionals have been busy studying the effects of cannabinoids as a potential treatment for a wide range of brain diseases and emotional problems like depression, post-traumatic stress, work-related stress, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s disease, and many more.

Therapy for Anxiety

One of the most popular treatment options for anxiety is therapy. This involves sitting down with a licensed counselor or psychotherapist who helps you understand the core of your problem and take the first steps toward healing.
By using techniques such as exposure therapy, thought challenging, or Socratic questioning, you can overcome the irrational thinking patterns that fuel your constant worrying and gain the courage to live an anxiety-free life.

Medications for Anxiety

Medications have been around for decades, and for a good reason. When your anxiety is so intense, you can’t even get out of the house or look out for yourself, therapy alone is just not enough.
Fortunately, the pharmaceutical industry has come up with a wide range of medications for anxiety, known as anxiolytics. But just like any other psychiatric medications, anxiolytics can have numerous unpleasant side effects.
As a result, some healthcare professionals have turned their attention towards cannabinoids from hemp or marijuana. In fact, numerous experts believe cannabidiol can have a beneficial impact on the brain, provide pain relief, and reduce the symptoms of stress, depression, or anxiety.

CBD Oil Effects

If you’re dealing with an emotional problem like anxiety and find it extremely difficult to tolerate the unpleasant side effects of psychiatric medication, hemp oil or any other cannabis product that contains CBD may be a good alternative.
As one 2010 paper published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology suggests, both human and animal studies indicate that cannabidiol, one of the primary compounds found in cannabis and marijuana, can serve as a viable treatment for anxiety. [4]
In fact, some clinical trials have revealed that CBD oil is effective for a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease to depression, stress, and anxiety. Furthermore, it can lower blood pressure and act as a natural anti-inflammatory supplement.
But CBD oil can be of great use even for those of us dealing with specific forms of anxiety. For example, a 2011 study published in Neuropsychopharmacology, revealed that cannabidiol could reduce social anxiety – one of the most common types of anxiety disorders. [5]
In a nutshell, cannabidiol seems to have important health benefits which make it a supplement worth taking into consideration.

Is CBD Safe?

Since cannabidiol proves to be effective in treating a wide array of medical and psychological conditions, we can reasonably assume CBD-based products are safe. In fact, millions of people around the world are using this supplement regularly, without experiencing any medical complications.
Furthermore, human and animal studies have revealed that cannabidiol is a safe compound that can prevent colitis in mice [7] and also act as a chemopreventive supplement for colon cancer. [8]
Overall, experts can agree that using CBD oil for anxiety is a perfectly safe and surprisingly effective alternative to traditional treatments.

How Can CBD Oil Help With Anxiety?

Many anxiety sufferers use hemp oil, CBD oil, and other similar supplements to sleep better and deal with the constant stream of worry-filled thoughts associated with this emotional problem.
One case report published by The Permanente Journal in 2016 revealed that cannabidiol might be a safe treatment for the anxiety and insomnia associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. [10]
CBD Oil for Anxiety
But that’s not all. A 2013 study conducted on mice revealed that repeated administration of CBD could trigger hippocampal neurogenesis (the regeneration of neurons in the hippocampus). [11]
For those of you who don’t know, the hippocampus is a brain region responsible for cognition and memory. In the case of depression or anxiety sufferers, this brain area tends to be smaller, which may explain some of the irrational thinking patterns specific to these conditions.
Overall, it seems cannabidiol is not just a placebo, but a compound that can directly impact the functioning of various brain areas and neurotransmitter receptors.

What The Research Says

As a rational and decently cautious person, you may be wondering what researchers have to say about the use of CBD oil for anxiety.
Not only that cannabidiol can lower anxiety, but it also helps reduce the symptoms associated with a wide range of psychological conditions and brain disorders.
The studies I mentioned above indicate, CBD may prove to be an effective treatment for:
  • Stress disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Social anxiety
  • Moodiness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Stress

Neurochemistry and CBD

Did you know that the human body has a built-in system designed explicitly for processing cannabinoids?
It’s called ‘the endocannabinoid system’ and it plays a major role in homeostasis – the body’s ability to maintain a healthy inner balance. This means CBD oil and other derived supplements can regulate sleep, appetite, mood, and consequently the level of anxiety we might be experiencing at a given moment.
But what’s truly fascinating is that this compound can have a real impact on the brain receptors involved in the body’s response to anxiety.
For example, cannabidiol works just like SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) – a category of psychiatric drugs specifically designed for anxiety and depression. By bringing your serotonin to normal levels, CBD-based supplements can significantly reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Bottom Line: Can CBD Help Treat Anxiety?

All in all, products derived from marijuana, cannabis, or hemp plant (ex. CBD oil, hemp oil, cannabis oil, and many more) can be an effective treatment for mood disorders like anxiety and depression.
In fact, a 2007 study published by Chemistry & Biodiversity points out, the plethora of positive pharmacological effects observed with CBD make this compound a highly attractive therapeutic entity. [12]
But just to be 100% safe, make sure to consult a physician before you decide to use CBD oil for anxiety or any other condition.
The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as experiences from CBD product users.
For a medical condition always consult with a healthcare professional before consuming CBD. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease, ailment or skin condition. Any information contained in or made available on our website is not intended to be used as, or be a substitute for, healthcare advice or information from licensed healthcare practitioners. Please consult a licensed health care practitioner regarding any potential interactions or complications before using our products.

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