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5 Medical Issues CBD Can Help - Your Health Matters!

So, what can CBD actually do for your health? Here are five medical issues science has shown CBD can help with.

CBD Can Reduce Anxiety

Though research is limited, NPR reported studies were done in both animals and people suggest that CBD is an anxiolytic. Simply put, it may reduce anxiety. Elisabeth Mack, RN, CEO, and founder of Holistic Caring, tells Bustle, "CBD [...] really helps to bring down anxiety levels."

CBD Has Neuroprotective Properties


Put simply, ingesting CBD on the reg can be good for your cognitive health. "Regardless of what your specific health needs, CBD is a neuroprotective agent, as well as an antioxidant," explains Mack.
Studies show CBD is not only a useful substance when it comes to preventing both nerve and brain damage, but it could also help temper the symptoms of degenerative, neurological diseases. 

CBD Can Help With Sleep Issues

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

According to a 2017 review of research surrounding the efficacy of CBD for insomnia, the substance does have the potential to treat certain sleep disorders. However, there is a small catch: Mack explains depending on the person, some actually feel energized by CBD. So, eating a few CBD-infused gummies in the AM may be more conducive to your sleep-wake cycle.
"I guide people to take CBD during the day, and see," she says. "If it wakes you up, you should take it in the morning, so you sleep much better at night."

CBD Can Help Reduce Chronic Pain

Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

Mack tells Bustle, "There are proven studies that show CBD is a potent anti-inflammatory." Considering that science is beginning to suggest that inflammation may be at the root of many health issues, it's no surprise that taking an anti-inflammatory like CBD can reduce pain. Research points to CBD being a super effective adjunct-treatment in the management of chronic pain.

CBD Can Support A Healthy Gut


"Digestive issues are often tied to inflammatory conditions, and CBD can help quiet down the gut — relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and even Crohn's disease," explains Mack. Both studies completed in animals and people have indicated that ingesting CBD can lead to a healthier gastrointestinal tract.

All our products are Made in the USA, have the Good Manufacturing Practices seal and are 100% organic.  Start on your path to better health and a better life now!


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