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How CBD Can Change Your Health and Life!
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CBD, or cannabidiol, is finally being recognized as a revolutionary natural healer, offering a host of medicinal uses.
CBD is one of over 60 compounds found in cannabis that belongs to a class of molecules called cannabinoids. Of these compounds, CBD and THC are usually present in the highest concentrations. Most people are familiar with THC as the prominent compound in the marijuana that is smoked and eaten, but CBD research has been growing to show various health benefits, without the high.
It’s completely legal to distribute and purchase, and is easily the most exciting active cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant.
According to a 2013 review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, studies have found CBD to possess the following medical properties:
1. Seizure Suppression
The earliest record of cannabis being used to treat epilepsy goes back as early as 1800 B.C.E. in Sumeria. In 2014 the FDA moved forward with allowing the drug Epidiolex, a 99% oil-based extract of CBD, to aid in fighting childhood epilepsy. Results from a 213-panel study showed a 54% decrease in seizures in 137 people who completed the 12 weeks on Epidiolex. Those tested had no success with any prior treatment, and of the 25 patients who had Dravetsyndrome, there was a 63% decrease in seizures over the course of three months. Participants ranged from 2-26 years old, and the results gave notice that CBD oil may also be beneficial for children who suffer from seizures.
2. Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Reduction Properties
Inflammatory diseases can be crippling—Rheumatoid arthritis, for instance, is caused by the body’s immune system attacking itself and causes severe inflammation. Research at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatologysuggests that CBD can block the progress of arthritis without any of the typical marijuana effects.
IL-6 stimulates both the inflammatory and autoimmune responses in many diseases, such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and prostate cancer, but can reportedly be suppressed, and its secretion reduced, with the introduction of CBD. This leads to a reduction of pain, and returns function to the areas affected.
3. Anti-anxiety and Anti-depression
Endocannabinoids (ECS) are chemical compounds that play a key role in memory, mood, brain reward systems, drug addiction, and energy balance. As the name suggests, they are activated by the same receptors as CBD. Research has been conducted and reported to show the benefits of the ECS system in relation to combating depression, anxiety, increase appetite, and create feelings of well-being. CBD naturally acts on the ECS system’s signals to reportedly increase receptor function and flow, combating the effects of anxiety and depression.
4. Increase Appetite In Ill Patients
A common downside to many illnesses is malnutrition and prolonged hospital visits in patients. Patients who undergo chemotherapy for instance, regularly talk about having no desire to eat, adding to their lack of energy. Medication, illnesses, and mental reaction to illnesses can cause the ECS system to reduce the desire of appetite. Proper nourishment increases the patient’s chance to combat illness.
5. Combats Neurodegenerative Disorders
An estimated 5.3 million people have Alzheimer’s in the United States. Of those, two-thirds are women. Neurodegenerative disorders can be caused by inflammation of the brain, and as CBD can reduce inflammation, it can reportedly help decrease the intensity of neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington’s disease, and multiple sclerosis all lead to degeneration of the brain, but studies show that increased ECS activity can aid in reducing the onset of degenerative brain diseases. Use of CBD can increase activity in the ECS system and possibly decrease the risk of common neurological diseases.
Our brains naturally deteriorate with time. Oxygen being a contributor to aging may no longer have as strong of an impact, thanks to recent CBD research. A 2012 study suggests that increased activity in the CBD system may cleanse oxygen from the brain. This would remove free radicals, which damaged cells over time. Free radicals are unavoidable, as they are a product of the foods and drinks we ingest, our environment, and the various topical items we place on our skin. Being able to cancel free radicals, increase the longevity of cells throughout the body and’ allows for prolonged function.
8. Anti-Cancer Properties
A 2013 study reported that CBD was able to trigger necessary apoptosis and autophagy in cancer cells. Apoptosis is the natural suicide of how cells die in order to create space for healthy and new cells. Autophagy is what allows cells to destroy a specific component to regulate its own biology. Cancer is allowed to metastasize due to the inability of mutated and unhealthy cells to die off or remove damage cell parts. Scientists from the study were able to attack breast cancer cells and inhibit further cancer cell growth. Recently, reports have also been shared of parents providing CBD to their children in various forms, leading to cancer remission.
9. Increase Brain Activity
CBD has been shown to improve the efficiency of mitochondria, the energy source for cells. The oxygen cleanses which also reduces the brain’s aging process plays a part in also increasing brain activity. Through destroying free radicals, mitochondria are able to function properly. Because the brain has an extremely high energy demand it is important to over-exceed this demand and increase proper brain functioning.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is a bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics, and in the United States, it kills about 18,000 of the 94,000 people it infects yearly. A study from the University of London showed that CBD provided potent activity against a variety of MRSA strains.
All our products are Made in the USA, have the Good Manufacturing Practices seal and are 100% organic. Start on your path to better health and a better life now!
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By Royal Queen The endocannabinoid system has been shown to play an important role in gut physiology. Are cannabinoids such as CBD effective at treating the symptoms of these disorders? Cannabinoids are rapidly becoming a new class of respected medicines. Their unique interaction with systems of the body and wide scope of applications make them rockstars within the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical worlds. CBD, in particular, has risen to popularity as a powerful compound with no psychoactive effects, making it more suitable for a wider range of people. CBD has been shown to assist with a spectrum of health conditions, achieving many of its effects due to its potent anti-inflammatory properties. The cannabinoid is now showing promise as a treatment for certain conditions that arise in the gut and digestive system. THE VITAL GUT In recent years, gut health has become an area of vast importance within the health and wellness spheres. However, this knowledge may only be ...
Approximately 54 million adults and 300,000 children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with arthritis or some other type of rheumatic disease causing joint pain according to the Arthritis Foundation (AF). If you consider all of the individuals who have arthritis but have not yet been diagnosed, the AF suggests that the true count is likely closer to 91.2 million in total. To make matters even worse, that number is expected to grow by 49 percent by the year 2040. The most precarious and debilitating symptoms suffered by arthritis patients include pain, stiffness, and decreased movement within the joints, all of which can be severe and worsen over time. In addition, there are other symptoms that are just as troublesome, such as anxiety and depression. Not only that, but it can become especially trying when you have to contend with other medical problems that tend to coexist with arthritis, like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Some medications and treatment progra...
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