
Showing posts from December, 2019


  Tired of all the time and effort you’re putting into your network marketing business only to be paid a fraction of what you expected to earn? You need INFINITY 7 from CTFO! Launching on 1st June, INFINITY 7 has the power to pay you any figure you can come up with! This is possible because, as the word suggests, INFINITY 7 pays to infinity on your team business. NO cut-offs ever! No Balancing Legs! No Breakage to Company! 100 levels… 1,000 levels…. 10,000 levels deep, you get paid on it ALL! And INFINITY 7 pays up to 35% on your entire team! Remember this is ON TOP of all our other commissions and bonuses including a new LOYALTY BONUS paying up to $3,000 a month! It does not get any better than this!!! YOU SHOULD DEMAND A 60-day guaranty, lab-tested (COA), GMP seal, organic CBD, and CBD products where ever you  buy CBD.   We provide this to all our customers. Disclaimer:  The information made available on this page is based on studies and research as well as repor...

Can Lowering Inflammation Help Major Depression? CBD HELPS THE CYTOKINES!

CBD Can Help the cytokines in your body! Analysis by  Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE New research data adds to mounting evidence that depression is linked to an inflammatory response Inflammation influences the quality of sleep, metabolism, stress response and the release of cytokines Antidepressant medications are associated with significant and dangerous side effects, including violence, aggression and suicide The senior population is especially vulnerable; the rate of antidepressant drug prescriptions for this group has doubled since 1990, increasing the risk of cognitive decline, dementia, osteoporosis, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease Effective nonpharmacological options for treatment include exercising, reducing sugar intake, and using light therapy for 30 minutes each day. It is estimated that 7.1% of the adult population in the U.S. experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2017. The highest rates are among those ages 18 to 25 years. Man...